Argylle is directed and produced by Matthew Vaughn, from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs (Wonder Woman). The film is produced by Matthew Vaughn, Adam Bohling (Kingsman franchise), Jason Fuchs, and David Reid (Kingsman franchise).
Apple Original Films presents, in association with MARV, a Cloudy production. Argylle is distributed in partnership with Universal Pictures.
Genre: Fantasy Spy Thriller
Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, Henry Cavill, John Cena, Dua Lipa, Bryan Cranston, Sofia Boutella, with Ariana DeBose and Catherine O’Hara and Samuel L. Jackson
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Screenplay by: Jason Fuchs
Producers: Matthew Vaughn, Adam Bohling, Jason Fuchs, David Reid
Executive Producers: Adam Fishbach, Zygi Kamasa, Carols Peres, Claudia Vaughn